Response by Dr Kalumbi Minister of health and social Services to question raised by hon. Kamati Theofelus .
Motivation_by_Hon_Hamata_on_Critical_Issue_of_extracting_water_from Ohangwena.
Sakeus Iikela Chairperson of the National Council, Hon. Lukas Sinimbo Muha, has called on the international community to reform the United Nations Security Council to ensure that it responds meaningfully to all threats to global peace and security.He particularly criticised the veto power held by the five permanent members of the Security Council calling…
Order Paper of the National Assembly, Thursday 19 September 2024.
Minutes of the National Assembly, Wednesday 18 September 2024.
Maiden Speeech by Hon Linus Muchila
Motivational_Statement_by_Hon_Saara_K_Amadhila_on_the_appointment of Ms. Ludmilla