Standing Committees- National Assembly

Standing Committees are permanent committees established under the Standing Orders of the National Assembly or by resolution of the National Assembly for the duration of a Parliament. They are re-established at the beginning of each new Parliament and can continue to function until the end of the day before the commencement of the next Parliament.

General Terms of Reference

  1. A committee shall consider such matters as are referred to it by the Assembly, or as authorised in terms of these and such Rules of the Assembly in accordance with the Constitution.

2. Subject to the provisions of the Constitution, particularly Article 63(2)(f) therefore, Standing Committees will perform the functions, tasks, and duties relating to Parliamentary supervision of such offices, Ministries, Agencies and State Owned Enterprises as prescribed by or under an Act of Parliament, a resolution of this House or in these Rules, and shall as their general terms of reference, have the duty to:

a. Receive and consider legislative proposals referred to the Committee and make appropriate recommendations to the assembly.

b. Secure attendance from officials of Offices, Ministries, Agencies and State Owned Enterprises in order to receive reports on the performance of the respective Offices, Ministries, Agencies and State-Owned Enterprises.

c. Receive and consider policy documents and statements from the Offices, Ministries, Agencies and State Owned Enterprises.

d. Receive submissions from individuals and groups, regarding the operations of the various Offices, Ministries, Agencies and State Owned Enterprises.

e. Organise meetings between citizens, community groups, sectoral organisations, Members of Parliament and representatives of Offices, Ministries, Agencies and State-Owned Enterprises as may be necessary to facilitate an exchange of views regarding the operations of Government Offices, Ministries, Agencies (O/M/As) and State Enterprises and their effects on communities and groups in the society.

f. Conduct investigative or oversight hearings and make recommendations to Offices, Ministries, Agencies and State Owned Enterprises for the enhancement of their policies, functions and administrative operations.

g. Monitor and enquire into and make recommendations relating to any aspect of legislative programme, budget, rationalization, functioning, organization, structure, personnel, policy formulation or any other matter it may consider relevant.

3. Standing Committees may in cases of common interest, communicate their evidence to each other and may meet jointly.