Acquisition of membership
A Member shall be deemed to be duly elected as a Member of the Namibia Children’s Parliament upon nomination by the Ministry of Education and upon subscribing to the Oath or Solemn Affirmation of Allegiance.
Election of Speaker and Deputy Speaker
- Members having assembled for the first time after the nomination of a new Children’s Parliament, made and subscribed to the Oath or Solemn Affirmation of Allegiance are present forthwith proceed to elect a Speaker. During such election the Table Clerk shall act as Chairperson and shall be vested with powers ordinarily assigned to the NCP Speaker to maintain order.
- A Member having first ascertained that the Member to be proposed is willing to serve if elected, may rise in his/her place and addressing the Secretary propose a Member as Speaker.
- A Member who is absent on the day of election may be nominated by another Member for election as Speaker, provided that Member’s consent in writing to being nominated is produced to the Table Clerk before the sitting.
- If only one person is proposed and seconded as Speaker, he/she shall be called forthwith or as soon as may be thereafter to the Chair of the Assembly by the Table Clerk without any question being put.
- In case more than two Members are nominated for the Office of Speaker, a vote by showing of hands shall be conducted. Should there be a tie of votes, fresh nominations shall be called by the Table Clerk.
- When voting for candidates to the position of Speaker, no proxies shall be allowed.
- No debate shall be allowed upon proposals for the filling of the positions of NCP Speaker and Deputy Speaker.