1. to deal with questions falling within the ambit of Offices, Ministries, Agencies and Public Enterprises dealing with trade and industry, SME development, finance and public enterprises;
  2. shall examine annual reports of the Auditor-General, as may be referred to the Council by the Assembly in terms of the provisions of the Constitution, and advise the Council thereon;
  3. to scrutinise the Government’s financial proposals and fiscal policies and advise the Council thereon;
  4.  to examine incidents of financial mismanagement in the public sector and advise the Council thereon;
  5.  to promote trade, industrialisation and SME development;
  6. to monitor budget implementation of Offices, Ministries and Agencies falling within the Standing Committee’s ambit;
  7. to monitor the implementation of the decentralization process on matters falling within the ambit of the Standing Committee; and
  8.  to perform any other function as may be referred to it by the Council.

Himuvi Mbingeneeko

Helena Subasubani

+264 61 202 8116
+264 61 202 8555
+264 81 245 1001
+264 81 217 4583

Member of Parliament: National Council

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Member of Parliament: NUDO Chief Whip

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Member of Parliament: National Council

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Member of Parliament: National Council

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Member of Parliament: National Council

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Member of Parliament: National Council

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Member of Parliament: National Council

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